With all the conflicting information out there I am not surprised that you are totally confused as to what to believe anymore. Should we cut out carbs and go keto? Remove fruit because there is way too much fructose, eliminate meat and dairy? As with anything everyone has their opinions, but there are some common facts that we can all agree on when it comes to a healthy vibrant body. We are constantly going through change, and this is wonderful. Change shouldn’t come across as something bad, otherwise we would still be thinking that adding butter to your coffee was a fantastic idea (don’t worry I made this mistake amongst many when it came to nutrition).
So what’s the deal then? What do we believe and follow? First of all if you’re thinking of a “diet” then you’re already on the way to a cycle of unhealthy thoughts which is usually accompanied with self-hating thoughts and body images issues. A fad diet is just that, a FAD! How about we look at food as something that is going to nourish us and give us the energy to fulfill our best lives. Remember food is not just a tool for weight loss. It affects your mood, hormones, energy levels, disease prevention. Every cell in your body is fighting so hard to provide you with everything you want and need. How can you feed it negativity and non-nutritious food and expect it to churn that into something great? The amazing thing is that the body is so resilient that even when we treat it like this, it still fights to keep us at our best until even the most resilient being has its boiling point. What is the outcome when this happens? Disease, fatigue, inflammation and health issues.
Let’s shift our minds to just being more mindful of what we eat. Now I’m not asking you to become obsessive over every single morsel that goes in your mouth, but just be a bit more MINDFUL. Pick that apple over that chocolate bar, maybe swap that steak night for a full day of plant based foods and go ahead and skip on that sugar you adding to your third latte of the day. You will be surprised of what small changes you can do each day that will have great impacts. Now try do these small changes the next day, and the day after that, and before you know it, it has become second nature to you without making it a “task”.
Now we all know calories come in first place with overall health, weight loss, hormonal balance you name it, but what are these calories made of? Yip, macro nutrients (protein, carbs and fat) which come in a close second. Remember every food item contains all 3, but we categorize it according to its dominant macro, i.e. potatoes contain all 3 but the main one is starch which is a carb.
To put it simply think of your body as a temple…. Haha ok jokes aside, but seriously let’s use a house analogy as everyone can relate to this. So protein is the foundation, cement, the very thing that holds your house together. If you don’t get enough of this your house will be weak, unstable, and won’t be able to withstand any environmental forces.
The next factor we need to build this resilient house is carbohydrates. Think of this like the electricity power running all around your house sparking off everything that needs to be activated to work efficiently. A lack of this electricity would be like using candles and torches, it would still help but how efficient would your house be powered.
Now for the final building material, fats! Think of this as your maintenance guy, he keeps everything well oiled. Without him our house will become rusty and well, quite simply put, non-lubricated. Friction with no lubrication… I think you got the picture.
We have a little cherry on top but one which has a mighty effect on your body, please welcome fibre! Now this is the cleaner of the house, keeping everything flowing without blocking areas to get congested with dirt and bacteria. I don’t think I need to further paint the picture for you….
Before we dive into what the consensus is of the most fruitful way of eating is (that many experts and people who have been through it themselves have agreed on), lets quickly breakdown these food groups and their importance they have in our body:
First and foremost we know this builds our foundations but besides this, there are many other vital roles:
- Growth and maintenance of tissue
- Aid in biochemical reactions like the metabolic rate and digestion as enzymes are proteins that are needed to for these reactions
- Acts as a messenger as some hormones are predominately proteins, which assist in the communication between your cells, tissues and organs
- Protein provides structure especially in keratin (protein found in hair, skin and nails), and collagen (the most abundant and structural protein in your body when it comes to bones, tendons, ligaments and skin.
- Maintains efficient Ph for the body
- Protect the immune system by forming antibodies that protect the body from foreign invaders.
- Transport and stores nutrients
- Provides energy
One of the main roles is that carbohydrates ( we are talking about whole, unprocessed forms of carbs like potatoes, green veg etc. and not processed types like pasta, bread etc. They definitely should be enjoyed in moderation, but should not make up your staple) provides us with a source of energy amongst:
- Creates ATP (energy molecule) via cellular respiration
- Help preserve muscles
- Promotes digestive health due the fibre which prevents constipation and lowering risk of digestive tract disease.
- Fibre in carbohydrates helps reduce the “bad” cholesterol LDL which in effect helps reduce the risk of heart disease and controls glycaemic levels in the body.
- Brain fuel, our brains thrive off glucose.
Now fats have got a bad rep over the decades when studies started to link it to heart disease, but this isn’t all fats which most people got pulled into thinking, it was specifically linked to trans-fat. We need fats in our diet for the below reasons, but it we don’t need as much as we think:
- Forms the foundation of cell membranes
- May reduce chances of strokes
- Boost brain health
- Proper functioning of nerves
- Transporting fat soluble vitamins like A, D, E and K.
So as you can see we need all macro nutrients in our diet as they all play a vital role. Each is required in different proportions, but at the end of the day they are all needed. Most importantly it is the source of where these foods that make up the macro groups come from. This is why we recommend to choose these sources from the most unrefined, unprocessed whole based, organic forms, just how nature intended!
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